[_F_C_]» MinD x SHARIA

M53/M55 Most played vehicle: M53/M55

Player Performance

win rate





  • Battles 19.85k
  • Victories 11.59k
  • Defeats 8k
  • Draws 267 1.34%
  • Survived 9.46k




  • Kills/Death 2.77
  • Kills 28.77k
  • Deaths 10.4k




  • Caused/Received 2.3
  • Average 1.96k
  • Caused 38.87M
  • Received 16.92M
  • Hit Ratio 70.69


18.27 M


  • Total 18.27M
  • Highest 4.88k
  • Average 920.43





  • Damage Caused 38.87M
  • Track Assist 1.85M
  • Spotting Assist 5M
  • Wheel Assist 0
  • Vehicles Spotted 24.22k
  • Base Capture Points 32.59k





  • Damage Received 16.92M
  • Damage Bounced 6.14M
  • Damage Blocked 3.54M
  • Base Defense Points 29.2k


Tanks Percentage of play Battles Victories Mastery Badges Marks of Excellence
I usa
usa A01_T1_Cunningham
T1 Cunningham

T1 Cunningham

usa A01_T1_Cunningham
0.12% 24 50%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 24 battles
I germany
germany G12_Ltraktor


germany G12_Ltraktor
0.03% 5 20%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 5 battles
I ussr
ussr R11_MS-1


ussr R11_MS-1
0.04% 7 57.14%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 7 battles
I france
france F01_RenaultFT
Renault FT

Renault FT

france F01_RenaultFT
0.01% 1 100%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 1 battles
I japan
japan J01_NC27
Renault Otsu

Renault Otsu

japan J01_NC27
0.01% 1 0%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 1 battles
I china
china Ch06_Renault_NC31
Renault NC-31

Renault NC-31

china Ch06_Renault_NC31
0.02% 4 100%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 4 battles
II usa
usa A74_T1_E6_X1


usa A74_T1_E6_X1
0.01% 1 100%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 1 battles
II usa
usa A74_T1_E6


usa A74_T1_E6
0.06% 12 83.33%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 12 battles
II usa
usa A93_T7_Combat_Car
T7 Combat Car

T7 Combat Car

usa A93_T7_Combat_Car
0.03% 6 33.33%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 6 battles
II usa
usa A02_M2_lt
M2 Light Tank

M2 Light Tank

usa A02_M2_lt
0.03% 6 33.33% - -
II germany
germany G06_PzII
Pz.Kpfw. II

Pz.Kpfw. II

germany G06_PzII
0.03% 6 50%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 6 battles
II germany
germany G33_H39_captured
Pz.Kpfw. 38H 735 (f)

Pz.Kpfw. 38H 735 (f)

germany G33_H39_captured
0.06% 11 72.73%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 11 battles
II germany
germany G07_Pz35t
Pz.Kpfw. 35 (t)

Pz.Kpfw. 35 (t)

germany G07_Pz35t
0.03% 5 80%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 5 battles
II germany
germany G108_PzKpfwII_AusfD
Pz.Kpfw. II Ausf. D

Pz.Kpfw. II Ausf. D

germany G108_PzKpfwII_AusfD
0.01% 1 100%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 1 battles
II uk
uk GB58_Cruiser_Mk_III
Cruiser Mk. III

Cruiser Mk. III

uk GB58_Cruiser_Mk_III
0.01% 2 50%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 2 battles
II uk
uk GB03_Cruiser_Mk_I
Cruiser Mk. I

Cruiser Mk. I

uk GB03_Cruiser_Mk_I
0.01% 2 100%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 2 battles
II ussr
ussr R09_T-26


ussr R09_T-26
0.01% 1 100%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 1 battles
II france
france F12_Hotchkiss_H35
Hotchkiss H35

Hotchkiss H35

france F12_Hotchkiss_H35
0.01% 2 50%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 2 battles
III usa
usa A43_M22_Locust
M22 Locust

M22 Locust

usa A43_M22_Locust
0.01% 2 0%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 2 battles
III usa
usa A03_M3_Stuart
M3 Stuart

M3 Stuart

usa A03_M3_Stuart
0.35% 70 52.86%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 70 battles
III germany
germany G08_Pz38t
Pz.Kpfw. 38 (t)

Pz.Kpfw. 38 (t)

germany G08_Pz38t
0.08% 15 60%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 15 battles
III germany
germany G36_PzII_J
Pz.Kpfw. II Ausf. J

Pz.Kpfw. II Ausf. J

germany G36_PzII_J
0.04% 7 57.14%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 7 battles
III germany
germany G102_Pz_III
Pz.Kpfw. III Ausf. E

Pz.Kpfw. III Ausf. E

germany G102_Pz_III
0.15% 29 55.17%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 29 battles
III germany
germany G63_PzI_ausf_C
Pz.Kpfw. I Ausf. C

Pz.Kpfw. I Ausf. C

germany G63_PzI_ausf_C
0.03% 6 50%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 6 battles
III uk
uk GB59_Cruiser_Mk_IV
Cruiser Mk. IV

Cruiser Mk. IV

uk GB59_Cruiser_Mk_IV
0.02% 4 100%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 4 battles
III uk
uk GB69_Cruiser_Mk_II
Cruiser Mk. II

Cruiser Mk. II

uk GB69_Cruiser_Mk_II
0.02% 4 50%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 4 battles
III ussr
ussr R22_T-46


ussr R22_T-46
0.08% 16 75%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 16 battles
III france
france F13_AMX38
AMX 38

AMX 38

france F13_AMX38
0.05% 9 66.67%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 9 battles
III china
china Ch08_Type97_Chi_Ha
Type 2597 Chi-Ha

Type 2597 Chi-Ha

china Ch08_Type97_Chi_Ha
0.02% 4 25%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 4 battles
IV usa
usa A22_M5_Stuart
M5 Stuart

M5 Stuart

usa A22_M5_Stuart
0.12% 24 58.33%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 24 battles
IV germany
germany G52_Pz38_NA
Pz.Kpfw. 38 (t) n.A.

Pz.Kpfw. 38 (t) n.A.

germany G52_Pz38_NA
0.09% 17 52.94%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 17 battles
IV germany
germany G25_PzII_Luchs
Pz.Kpfw. II Luchs

Pz.Kpfw. II Luchs

germany G25_PzII_Luchs
0.01% 1 0% - -
IV uk
uk GB60_Covenanter


uk GB60_Covenanter
0.1% 20 50%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 20 battles
IV uk
uk GB04_Valentine


uk GB04_Valentine
0.13% 26 57.69%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 26 battles
IV france
france F14_AMX40
AMX 40

AMX 40

france F14_AMX40
0.21% 41 53.66%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 41 battles
IV china
china Ch09_M5
M5A1 Stuart

M5A1 Stuart

china Ch09_M5
0.1% 19 68.42%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 19 battles
V usa
usa A23_M7_med


usa A23_M7_med
0.14% 28 67.86%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 28 battles
V ussr
ussr R41_T-50


ussr R41_T-50
0.13% 26 73.08%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 26 battles
V france
france F62_ELC_AMX


france F62_ELC_AMX
0.11% 22 68.18%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 22 battles
VI usa
usa A71_T21


usa A71_T21
0.34% 68 64.71%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 68 battles
VI france
france F15_AMX_12t
AMX 12 t

AMX 12 t

france F15_AMX_12t
0.26% 51 60.78%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 51 battles
VI china
china Ch15_59_16


china Ch15_59_16
0.28% 55 58.18%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 55 battles
VII usa
usa A103_T71E1
T71 DA

T71 DA

usa A103_T71E1
0.87% 172 64.53%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 172 battles
VII france
france F16_AMX_13_75
AMX 13 75

AMX 13 75

france F16_AMX_13_75
0.42% 84 60.71%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 84 battles
VII china
china Ch16_WZ_131


china Ch16_WZ_131
0.6% 119 68.91%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 119 battles
VIII china
china Ch17_WZ131_1_WZ132


china Ch17_WZ131_1_WZ132
0.86% 171 52.63%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 171 battles

Marks of Excellence are received when average damage caused in the tank is within a percentage of the top players.

1 Mark: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 65% of players in the same vehicle.
2 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 85% of players in the same vehicle.
3 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 95% of players in the same vehicle.
4 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 99.99% of players in the same vehicle.

Mark was earned after 171 battles
IX france
france F17_AMX_13_90
AMX 13 90

AMX 13 90

france F17_AMX_13_90
1.65% 328 49.39%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 328 battles

Marks of Excellence are received when average damage caused in the tank is within a percentage of the top players.

1 Mark: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 65% of players in the same vehicle.
2 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 85% of players in the same vehicle.
3 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 95% of players in the same vehicle.
4 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 99.99% of players in the same vehicle.

Mark was earned after 328 battles

All 47 Light Tanks

7.73% 1,535 58.05% 45 2
I usa
usa A800_initialTank
T22 Prototype

T22 Prototype

usa A800_initialTank
0.01% 1 100%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 1 battles
I uk
uk GB01_Medium_Mark_I
Vickers Medium Mk. I

Vickers Medium Mk. I

uk GB01_Medium_Mark_I
0.22% 43 62.79%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 43 battles
II usa
usa A24_T2_med
T2 Medium Tank

T2 Medium Tank

usa A24_T2_med
0.08% 15 53.33%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 15 battles
II japan
japan J15_Chi_Ni


japan J15_Chi_Ni
0.01% 2 50%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 2 battles
III usa
usa A25_M2_med
M2 Medium Tank

M2 Medium Tank

usa A25_M2_med
0.11% 21 57.14%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 21 battles
III france
france F03_D2


france F03_D2
0.02% 4 25%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 4 battles
III japan
japan J07_Chi_Ha
Type 97 Chi-Ha

Type 97 Chi-Ha

japan J07_Chi_Ha
0.06% 11 54.55%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 11 battles
IV usa
usa A04_M3_Grant
M3 Lee

M3 Lee

usa A04_M3_Grant
0.41% 82 47.56%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 82 battles
IV germany
germany G10_PzIII_AusfJ
Pz.Kpfw. III Ausf. J

Pz.Kpfw. III Ausf. J

germany G10_PzIII_AusfJ
0.17% 33 54.55%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 33 battles
IV uk
uk GB07_Matilda


uk GB07_Matilda
0.26% 52 67.31%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 52 battles
IV ussr
ussr R06_T-28


ussr R06_T-28
0.2% 40 52.5%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 40 battles
IV japan
japan J09_Chi_He
Type 1 Chi-He

Type 1 Chi-He

japan J09_Chi_He
0.14% 27 40.74%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 27 battles
V usa
usa A05_M4_Sherman
M4 Sherman

M4 Sherman

usa A05_M4_Sherman
0.13% 26 80.77%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 26 battles
V germany
germany G28_PzIII_IV
Pz.Kpfw. III/IV

Pz.Kpfw. III/IV

germany G28_PzIII_IV
0.46% 92 53.26%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 92 battles
V germany
germany G81_Pz_IV_AusfH
Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. H

Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. H

germany G81_Pz_IV_AusfH
0.07% 13 53.85%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%
V uk
uk GB20_Crusader


uk GB20_Crusader
0.19% 37 62.16%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 37 battles
V ussr
ussr R04_T-34


ussr R04_T-34
0.19% 38 65.79%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 38 battles
V japan
japan J08_Chi_Nu
Type 3 Chi-Nu

Type 3 Chi-Nu

japan J08_Chi_Nu
0.24% 48 58.33%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 48 battles
V china
china Ch21_T34
Type T-34

Type T-34

china Ch21_T34
0.31% 61 60.66%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 61 battles
VI usa
usa A36_Sherman_Jumbo
M4A3E2 Sherman Jumbo

M4A3E2 Sherman Jumbo

usa A36_Sherman_Jumbo
0.13% 26 57.69%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 26 battles
VI germany
germany G27_VK3001P
VK 30.01 (P)

VK 30.01 (P)

germany G27_VK3001P
0.11% 21 76.19%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 21 battles
VI uk
uk GB21_Cromwell


uk GB21_Cromwell
0.37% 74 63.51%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 74 battles
VI ussr
ussr R07_T-34-85


ussr R07_T-34-85
0.41% 81 75.31%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 81 battles
VI japan
japan J10_Chi_To
Type 4 Chi-To

Type 4 Chi-To

japan J10_Chi_To
0.33% 66 65.15%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 66 battles
VI china
china Ch20_Type58
Type 58

Type 58

china Ch20_Type58
0.22% 44 63.64%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 44 battles
VII usa
usa A07_T20


usa A07_T20
0.37% 73 61.64%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 73 battles
VII germany
germany G03_PzV_Panther


germany G03_PzV_Panther
1.19% 237 55.7%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 237 battles
VII uk
uk GB22_Comet


uk GB22_Comet
0.33% 65 52.31%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 65 battles

Marks of Excellence are received when average damage caused in the tank is within a percentage of the top players.

1 Mark: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 65% of players in the same vehicle.
2 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 85% of players in the same vehicle.
3 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 95% of players in the same vehicle.
4 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 99.99% of players in the same vehicle.

Mark was earned after 65 battles
VII ussr
ussr R23_T-43


ussr R23_T-43
0.54% 107 76.64%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 107 battles
VII japan
japan J11_Chi_Ri
Type 5 Chi-Ri

Type 5 Chi-Ri

japan J11_Chi_Ri
0.57% 113 48.67%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 113 battles
VIII usa
usa A90_T69


usa A90_T69
0.61% 121 54.55%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 121 battles
VIII usa
usa A35_Pershing
M26 Pershing

M26 Pershing

usa A35_Pershing
0.77% 152 65.79%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 152 battles

Marks of Excellence are received when average damage caused in the tank is within a percentage of the top players.

1 Mark: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 65% of players in the same vehicle.
2 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 85% of players in the same vehicle.
3 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 95% of players in the same vehicle.
4 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 99.99% of players in the same vehicle.

Mark was earned after 152 battles
VIII germany
germany G64_Panther_II
Panther II

Panther II

germany G64_Panther_II
1.08% 214 62.62%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 214 battles
VIII ussr
ussr R112_T54_45_Motherland


ussr R112_T54_45_Motherland
1.1% 218 57.8%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 218 battles

Marks of Excellence are received when average damage caused in the tank is within a percentage of the top players.

1 Mark: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 65% of players in the same vehicle.
2 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 85% of players in the same vehicle.
3 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 95% of players in the same vehicle.
4 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 99.99% of players in the same vehicle.

Mark was earned after 218 battles
VIII ussr
ussr R20_T-44


ussr R20_T-44
0.94% 186 61.83%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 186 battles
VIII france
france F08_AMX_50_100
AMX 50 100

AMX 50 100

france F08_AMX_50_100
0.71% 140 63.57%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 140 battles

Marks of Excellence are received when average damage caused in the tank is within a percentage of the top players.

1 Mark: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 65% of players in the same vehicle.
2 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 85% of players in the same vehicle.
3 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 95% of players in the same vehicle.
4 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 99.99% of players in the same vehicle.

Mark was earned after 140 battles
VIII france
france F68_AMX_Chasseur_de_char_46
AMX Chasseur de chars

AMX Chasseur de chars

france F68_AMX_Chasseur_de_char_46
0.39% 77 46.75%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 77 battles

Marks of Excellence are received when average damage caused in the tank is within a percentage of the top players.

1 Mark: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 65% of players in the same vehicle.
2 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 85% of players in the same vehicle.
3 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 95% of players in the same vehicle.
4 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 99.99% of players in the same vehicle.

Mark was earned after 77 battles
VIII japan
japan J13_STA_1


japan J13_STA_1
0.72% 143 54.55%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 143 battles
IX usa
usa A63_M46_Patton
M46 Patton

M46 Patton

usa A63_M46_Patton
0.44% 88 53.41%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 88 battles

Marks of Excellence are received when average damage caused in the tank is within a percentage of the top players.

1 Mark: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 65% of players in the same vehicle.
2 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 85% of players in the same vehicle.
3 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 95% of players in the same vehicle.
4 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 99.99% of players in the same vehicle.

Mark was earned after 88 battles
IX germany
germany G54_E-50
E 50

E 50

germany G54_E-50
1.33% 265 60%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 265 battles
IX ussr
ussr R40_T-54


ussr R40_T-54
0.86% 170 58.82%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 170 battles
IX france
france F09_AMX_50_120
AMX 50 120

AMX 50 120

france F09_AMX_50_120
1.04% 207 59.9%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 207 battles

Marks of Excellence are received when average damage caused in the tank is within a percentage of the top players.

1 Mark: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 65% of players in the same vehicle.
2 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 85% of players in the same vehicle.
3 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 95% of players in the same vehicle.
4 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 99.99% of players in the same vehicle.

Mark was earned after 207 battles
IX france
france F19_Lorraine40t
Lorraine 40 t

Lorraine 40 t

france F19_Lorraine40t
0.77% 152 57.89%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 152 battles

Marks of Excellence are received when average damage caused in the tank is within a percentage of the top players.

1 Mark: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 65% of players in the same vehicle.
2 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 85% of players in the same vehicle.
3 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 95% of players in the same vehicle.
4 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 99.99% of players in the same vehicle.

Mark was earned after 152 battles
IX france
france F71_AMX_30_prototype
AMX 30 1er prototype

AMX 30 1er prototype

france F71_AMX_30_prototype
1.1% 218 53.21%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 218 battles

Marks of Excellence are received when average damage caused in the tank is within a percentage of the top players.

1 Mark: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 65% of players in the same vehicle.
2 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 85% of players in the same vehicle.
3 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 95% of players in the same vehicle.
4 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 99.99% of players in the same vehicle.

Mark was earned after 218 battles
IX japan
japan J14_Type_61
Type 61

Type 61

japan J14_Type_61
1.1% 218 49.54%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 218 battles
IX china
china Ch18_WZ-120


china Ch18_WZ-120
1.19% 237 56.54%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 237 battles

Marks of Excellence are received when average damage caused in the tank is within a percentage of the top players.

1 Mark: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 65% of players in the same vehicle.
2 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 85% of players in the same vehicle.
3 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 95% of players in the same vehicle.
4 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 99.99% of players in the same vehicle.

Mark was earned after 237 battles
X germany
germany G73_E50_Ausf_M
E 50 Ausf. M

E 50 Ausf. M

germany G73_E50_Ausf_M
1.39% 276 61.96%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 276 battles

Marks of Excellence are received when average damage caused in the tank is within a percentage of the top players.

1 Mark: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 65% of players in the same vehicle.
2 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 85% of players in the same vehicle.
3 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 95% of players in the same vehicle.
4 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 99.99% of players in the same vehicle.

Mark was earned after 276 battles
X ussr
ussr R87_T62A


ussr R87_T62A
1.6% 318 61.01%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 318 battles

Marks of Excellence are received when average damage caused in the tank is within a percentage of the top players.

1 Mark: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 65% of players in the same vehicle.
2 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 85% of players in the same vehicle.
3 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 95% of players in the same vehicle.
4 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 99.99% of players in the same vehicle.

Mark was earned after 318 battles
X france
france F18_Bat_Chatillon25t
Bat.-Châtillon 25 t

Bat.-Châtillon 25 t

france F18_Bat_Chatillon25t
0.48% 95 61.05%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 95 battles

Marks of Excellence are received when average damage caused in the tank is within a percentage of the top players.

1 Mark: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 65% of players in the same vehicle.
2 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 85% of players in the same vehicle.
3 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 95% of players in the same vehicle.
4 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 99.99% of players in the same vehicle.

Mark was earned after 95 battles
X france
france F10_AMX_50B
AMX 50 B

AMX 50 B

france F10_AMX_50B
0.15% 29 37.93%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 29 battles
X france
france F72_AMX_30
AMX 30 B

AMX 30 B

france F72_AMX_30
0.06% 11 36.36%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 11 battles
X japan
japan J16_ST_B1


japan J16_ST_B1
0.53% 105 56.19%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 105 battles
X china
china Ch19_121


china Ch19_121
0.05% 10 40%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 10 battles

All 53 Medium Tanks

26.21% 5,203 58.6% 53 13
IV france
france F04_B1


france F04_B1
0.05% 10 60%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 10 battles
V usa
usa A09_T1_hvy
T1 Heavy Tank

T1 Heavy Tank

usa A09_T1_hvy
0.59% 117 41.88%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 117 battles
V usa
usa A21_T14


usa A21_T14
0.19% 38 50%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 38 battles
V germany
germany G13_VK3001H
VK 30.01 (H)

VK 30.01 (H)

germany G13_VK3001H
1.05% 208 57.69%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 208 battles
V ussr
ussr R80_KV1


ussr R80_KV1
0.41% 82 65.85%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 82 battles
V france
france F05_BDR_G1B


france F05_BDR_G1B
0.75% 149 69.13%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 149 battles

Marks of Excellence are received when average damage caused in the tank is within a percentage of the top players.

1 Mark: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 65% of players in the same vehicle.
2 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 85% of players in the same vehicle.
3 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 95% of players in the same vehicle.
4 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 99.99% of players in the same vehicle.

Mark was earned after 149 battles
VI usa
usa A10_M6


usa A10_M6
0.79% 156 51.92%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 156 battles
VI ussr
ussr R106_KV85


ussr R106_KV85
0.54% 108 56.48%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 108 battles
VI ussr
ussr R72_T150


ussr R72_T150
0.37% 73 61.64%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 73 battles
VI france
france F06_ARL_44
ARL 44

ARL 44

france F06_ARL_44
0.19% 37 70.27%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 37 battles
VII usa
usa A11_T29


usa A11_T29
1.29% 257 62.65%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 257 battles
VII germany
germany G57_PzVI_Tiger_P
Tiger (P)

Tiger (P)

germany G57_PzVI_Tiger_P
0.16% 31 61.29%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 31 battles
VII germany
germany G04_PzVI_Tiger_I_Hammer
Tiger I Hammer

Tiger I Hammer

germany G04_PzVI_Tiger_I_Hammer
0.09% 18 66.67%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 18 battles
VII ussr
ussr R01_IS


ussr R01_IS
0.55% 110 54.55%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 110 battles
VII ussr
ussr R39_KV-3


ussr R39_KV-3
0.34% 68 57.35%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 68 battles
VII france
france F07_AMX_M4_1945
AMX M4 mle. 45

AMX M4 mle. 45

france F07_AMX_M4_1945
0.3% 60 63.33%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 60 battles

Marks of Excellence are received when average damage caused in the tank is within a percentage of the top players.

1 Mark: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 65% of players in the same vehicle.
2 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 85% of players in the same vehicle.
3 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 95% of players in the same vehicle.
4 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 99.99% of players in the same vehicle.

Mark was earned after 60 battles
VII china
china Ch10_IS2


china Ch10_IS2
0.29% 58 58.62%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 58 battles
VIII usa
usa A12_T32


usa A12_T32
1.14% 226 67.26%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 226 battles
VIII germany
germany G16_PzVIB_Tiger_II
Tiger II

Tiger II

germany G16_PzVIB_Tiger_II
0.97% 193 55.44%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 193 battles
VIII germany
germany G67_VK4502A
VK 45.02 (P) Ausf. A

VK 45.02 (P) Ausf. A

germany G67_VK4502A
0.7% 139 60.43%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 139 battles

Marks of Excellence are received when average damage caused in the tank is within a percentage of the top players.

1 Mark: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 65% of players in the same vehicle.
2 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 85% of players in the same vehicle.
3 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 95% of players in the same vehicle.
4 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 99.99% of players in the same vehicle.

Mark was earned after 139 battles
VIII ussr
ussr R19_IS-3


ussr R19_IS-3
0.87% 173 58.38%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 173 battles
VIII ussr
ussr R73_KV4


ussr R73_KV4
0.89% 177 58.76%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 177 battles
VIII china
china Ch11_110


china Ch11_110
0.67% 133 54.89%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 133 battles

Marks of Excellence are received when average damage caused in the tank is within a percentage of the top players.

1 Mark: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 65% of players in the same vehicle.
2 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 85% of players in the same vehicle.
3 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 95% of players in the same vehicle.
4 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 99.99% of players in the same vehicle.

Mark was earned after 133 battles
IX usa
usa A66_M103


usa A66_M103
1.84% 365 61.64%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 365 battles
IX usa
usa A89_T54E1


usa A89_T54E1
0.93% 184 55.98%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 184 battles
IX germany
germany G58_VK4502P
VK 45.02 (P) Ausf. B7

VK 45.02 (P) Ausf. B7

germany G58_VK4502P
2.14% 424 65.57%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 424 battles

Marks of Excellence are received when average damage caused in the tank is within a percentage of the top players.

1 Mark: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 65% of players in the same vehicle.
2 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 85% of players in the same vehicle.
3 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 95% of players in the same vehicle.
4 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 99.99% of players in the same vehicle.

Mark was earned after 424 battles
IX germany
germany G55_E-75
E 75

E 75

germany G55_E-75
0.97% 193 54.92%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 193 battles
IX ussr
ussr R63_ST_I


ussr R63_ST_I
0.95% 188 59.57%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 188 battles
IX ussr
ussr R81_IS8


ussr R81_IS8
1.08% 215 61.86%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 215 battles
IX china
china Ch12_111_1_2_3
WZ-111 model 1-4

WZ-111 model 1-4

china Ch12_111_1_2_3
0.45% 90 56.67%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 90 battles
X usa
usa A67_T57_58
T57 Heavy Tank

T57 Heavy Tank

usa A67_T57_58
0.13% 25 44%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 25 battles
X usa
usa A69_T110E5


usa A69_T110E5
3% 596 58.89%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 596 battles
X germany
germany G42_Maus


germany G42_Maus
0.03% 5 60%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 5 battles
X germany
germany G56_E-100
E 100

E 100

germany G56_E-100
0.26% 51 54.9%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 51 battles
X ussr
ussr R90_IS_4M


ussr R90_IS_4M
0.39% 77 58.44%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 77 battles
X ussr
ussr R45_IS-7


ussr R45_IS-7
0.4% 80 48.75%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 80 battles

All 36 Heavy Tanks

25.76% 5,114 59.31% 36 5
II usa
usa A46_T3


usa A46_T3
0.02% 3 66.67% - -
II uk
uk GB39_Universal_CarrierQF2
Universal Carrier 2-pdr

Universal Carrier 2-pdr

uk GB39_Universal_CarrierQF2
0.04% 7 71.43%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 7 battles
II ussr
ussr R10_AT-1


ussr R10_AT-1
0.01% 2 50%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 2 battles
II france
france F30_RenaultFT_AC
Renault FT AC

Renault FT AC

france F30_RenaultFT_AC
0.01% 2 100%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 2 battles
III germany
germany G20_Marder_II
Marder II

Marder II

germany G20_Marder_II
0.01% 2 50%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 2 battles
III uk
uk GB42_Valentine_AT
Valentine AT

Valentine AT

uk GB42_Valentine_AT
0.06% 12 58.33%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 12 battles
III ussr
ussr R24_SU-76


ussr R24_SU-76
0.04% 8 62.5%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 8 battles
III france
france F52_RenaultUE57
Renault UE 57

Renault UE 57

france F52_RenaultUE57
0.13% 25 68%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 25 battles
IV usa
usa A57_M8A1


usa A57_M8A1
0.23% 46 71.74%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 46 battles
IV germany
germany G09_Hetzer


germany G09_Hetzer
0.47% 94 59.57%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 94 battles
IV germany
germany G39_Marder_III
Marder 38T

Marder 38T

germany G39_Marder_III
0.12% 24 66.67%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 24 battles
IV uk
uk GB57_Alecto


uk GB57_Alecto
0.17% 33 57.58%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 33 battles
IV ussr
ussr R25_GAZ-74b


ussr R25_GAZ-74b
0.1% 20 50%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 20 battles
IV france
france F32_Somua_Sau_40
Somua SAu-40

Somua SAu-40

france F32_Somua_Sau_40
0.11% 22 54.55%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 22 battles
V usa
usa A58_T67


usa A58_T67
0.34% 67 62.69%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 67 battles
V germany
germany G05_StuG_40_AusfG
StuG III Ausf. G

StuG III Ausf. G

germany G05_StuG_40_AusfG
0.22% 43 67.44%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 43 battles
V germany
germany G76_Pz_Sfl_IVc
Pz.Sfl. IVc

Pz.Sfl. IVc

germany G76_Pz_Sfl_IVc
0.25% 50 46%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 50 battles
V uk
uk GB73_AT2
AT 2

AT 2

uk GB73_AT2
0.14% 27 62.96%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 27 battles
V uk
uk GB44_Archer


uk GB44_Archer
0.16% 32 46.88%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 32 battles
V ussr
ussr R02_SU-85


ussr R02_SU-85
0.22% 43 58.14%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 43 battles
V france
france F33_S_35CA
S35 CA

S35 CA

france F33_S_35CA
0.18% 35 80%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 35 battles
VI usa
usa A41_M18_Hellcat
M18 Hellcat

M18 Hellcat

usa A41_M18_Hellcat
0.62% 123 57.72%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 123 battles
VI germany
germany G17_JagdPzIV
Jagdpanzer IV

Jagdpanzer IV

germany G17_JagdPzIV
0.31% 62 61.29%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 62 battles
VI germany
germany G40_Nashorn


germany G40_Nashorn
0.38% 75 62.67%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 75 battles
VI uk
uk GB74_AT8
AT 8

AT 8

uk GB74_AT8
0.35% 69 56.52%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 69 battles
VI ussr
ussr R17_SU-100


ussr R17_SU-100
0.34% 68 58.82%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 68 battles
VI france
france F34_ARL_V39


france F34_ARL_V39
0.46% 91 58.24%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 91 battles
VII usa
usa A72_T25_2


usa A72_T25_2
0.89% 176 64.2%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 176 battles
VII germany
germany G18_JagdPanther


germany G18_JagdPanther
0.32% 64 64.06%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 64 battles
VII germany
germany G43_Sturer_Emil
Sturer Emil

Sturer Emil

germany G43_Sturer_Emil
0.67% 133 57.89%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 133 battles
VII uk
uk GB75_AT7
AT 7

AT 7

uk GB75_AT7
0.47% 94 64.89%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 94 battles
VII ussr
ussr R18_SU-152


ussr R18_SU-152
0.39% 78 61.54%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 78 battles
VII france
france F35_AMX_AC_Mle1946
AMX AC mle. 46

AMX AC mle. 46

france F35_AMX_AC_Mle1946
0.39% 77 58.44%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 77 battles
VIII usa
usa A68_T28_Prototype
T28 Prototype

T28 Prototype

usa A68_T28_Prototype
1.47% 292 54.11%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 292 battles
VIII germany
germany G99_RhB_Waffentrager
Rhm.-Borsig Waffenträger

Rhm.-Borsig Waffenträger

germany G99_RhB_Waffentrager
1.34% 267 55.81%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 267 battles

Marks of Excellence are received when average damage caused in the tank is within a percentage of the top players.

1 Mark: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 65% of players in the same vehicle.
2 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 85% of players in the same vehicle.
3 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 95% of players in the same vehicle.
4 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 99.99% of players in the same vehicle.

Mark was earned after 267 battles
VIII germany
germany G71_JagdPantherII
Jagdpanther II

Jagdpanther II

germany G71_JagdPantherII
0.69% 136 66.91%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 136 battles
uk GB72_AT15
AT 15

AT 15

uk GB72_AT15
0.62% 123 65.85%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 123 battles
VIII ussr
ussr R47_ISU-152


ussr R47_ISU-152
1.05% 208 56.73%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 208 battles
VIII france
france F36_AMX_AC_Mle1948
AMX AC mle. 48

AMX AC mle. 48

france F36_AMX_AC_Mle1948
1.06% 210 60%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 210 battles
IX usa
usa A14_T30


usa A14_T30
1.5% 298 65.44%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 298 battles
IX germany
germany G97_Waffentrager_IV
Waffenträger auf Pz. IV

Waffenträger auf Pz. IV

germany G97_Waffentrager_IV
1.03% 205 48.29%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 205 battles
IX germany
germany G44_JagdTiger


germany G44_JagdTiger
1.31% 260 59.23%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 260 battles

Marks of Excellence are received when average damage caused in the tank is within a percentage of the top players.

1 Mark: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 65% of players in the same vehicle.
2 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 85% of players in the same vehicle.
3 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 95% of players in the same vehicle.
4 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 99.99% of players in the same vehicle.

Mark was earned after 260 battles
IX uk
uk GB32_Tortoise


uk GB32_Tortoise
0.98% 195 56.92%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 195 battles
IX ussr
ussr R53_Object_704
Object 704

Object 704

ussr R53_Object_704
1.08% 214 64.02%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 214 battles
IX france
france F37_AMX50_Foch
AMX 50 Foch

AMX 50 Foch

france F37_AMX50_Foch
0.81% 161 56.52%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 161 battles
X usa
usa A83_T110E4


usa A83_T110E4
1.15% 229 55.9%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 229 battles
X germany
germany G98_Waffentrager_E100
Waffenträger auf E 100

Waffenträger auf E 100

germany G98_Waffentrager_E100
1.84% 365 58.36%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 365 battles

Marks of Excellence are received when average damage caused in the tank is within a percentage of the top players.

1 Mark: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 65% of players in the same vehicle.
2 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 85% of players in the same vehicle.
3 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 95% of players in the same vehicle.
4 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 99.99% of players in the same vehicle.

Mark was earned after 365 battles
X germany
germany G72_JagdPz_E100
Jagdpanzer E 100

Jagdpanzer E 100

germany G72_JagdPz_E100
0.76% 151 57.62%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 151 battles

Marks of Excellence are received when average damage caused in the tank is within a percentage of the top players.

1 Mark: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 65% of players in the same vehicle.
2 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 85% of players in the same vehicle.
3 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 95% of players in the same vehicle.
4 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 99.99% of players in the same vehicle.

Mark was earned after 151 battles
X uk
uk GB48_FV215b_183
FV215b (183)

FV215b (183)

uk GB48_FV215b_183
1.14% 226 56.64%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 226 battles

Marks of Excellence are received when average damage caused in the tank is within a percentage of the top players.

1 Mark: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 65% of players in the same vehicle.
2 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 85% of players in the same vehicle.
3 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 95% of players in the same vehicle.
4 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 99.99% of players in the same vehicle.

Mark was earned after 226 battles
X ussr
ussr R88_Object268
Object 268

Object 268

ussr R88_Object268
0.74% 147 61.9%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 147 battles

Marks of Excellence are received when average damage caused in the tank is within a percentage of the top players.

1 Mark: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 65% of players in the same vehicle.
2 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 85% of players in the same vehicle.
3 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 95% of players in the same vehicle.
4 Marks: Awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than 99.99% of players in the same vehicle.

Mark was earned after 147 battles
X france
france F64_AMX_50Fosh_155
AMX 50 Foch (155)

AMX 50 Foch (155)

france F64_AMX_50Fosh_155
0.32% 64 64.06%

Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.

Class III: 50%
Class II: 80%
Class I: 95%
Ace Tanker: 99%

Badge was earned after 64 battles

All 51 Tank Destroyers

27.49% 5,458 59.29% 50 6