Customizing the look of your vehicle with Emblems, Inscriptions, Camouflage, and Flags has long been a part of the World of Tanks Console experience.
But if you want to dramatically refresh your tank’s appearance, customize it with a Skin!
A Skin allows you to completely change the look of a tank and can be applied for all seasons. It also provides a camouflage bonus while it’s applied.
Skins can be acquired using Gold, earned through Challenges, and received from Season Passes.
How to Apply a Skin
You can acquire, apply, and keep track of new Skins using a tank’s Customization menu:
- Select a tank from the “Vehicles” tab.
- Press the corresponding button to enter the “Customize” menu.
- Head to the “Appearance” tab.
- Select “Camouflage.”
- Choose “Any Season” to see the Skins available for that tank.
Skins will be denoted with a gold-colored spray gun icon and will be the first choices listed among the options.
After you acquire a Skin, you’ll see the option to apply it to all camo slots or simply the current selected slot. Mix and match your look!
Types of Skins Available
There are two kinds of vehicle Skins available: Premium Skins and Hero Skins.
Premium Skins are available to certain Tech Tree tanks. The following Tech Tree tanks currently have Premium Skins available:
Hero Skins are rare Skins available to certain Premium tanks. The following Premium tanks currently have Hero Skins available: