Want to battle on a certain map, limit the number of players in a match, or even create a private game for you and your tanking buddies? You can do all that and more in Custom Game Mode.
Previously known as Team Training, Custom Game Mode is one of two modes you can choose from the Game Modes Menu after the game launches.
As soon as you enter Custom Game Mode, you’ll see a list of matches open to the public that you can join. If you see a public game that’s using a battle mode and map that you like, feel free to jump in!
You also have the option of creating a room to host your own custom matches. Select the “Create Room” button in the upper right-hand corner of the menu to begin setup.
On the main screen for your newly created room, you’ll be able to select your tank and invite specific players to join you. You’ll also be able to randomize the teams or interact with a specific player by highlighting the player and pressing “Select.”
Additionally, you’ll see the “Settings” button on the left side. Click this button to set up the parameters for the matches you’ll play!
Your custom game settings are divided into three tabs: General, Map, and Vehicles.
The “General” tab is where you can set the time length of each match, limit the total number of players, make the room private or public, and define how spectators can interact.
The “Map” tab is where you can choose not only the map you play on, but the game mode and variant you use. (The map you select will also affect the background of the main room screen!)
Head to the “Vehicles” tab to limit the minimum and maximum tiers of the tanks in each match as well as the tank classes allowed in battle.
Other players who are guests in your custom room will not be able to access the room’s Settings.