War Chests return with a new design and a new mix of content for the Vipers season. Take a look at what’s inside!
Preparing for battle before you roll out is essential to success, Commander. And when the heat of the fight is pressing in on all sides, you need to prepare quickly and efficiently.
Beginning with the Vipers season, War Chests are back, and they’ll look a little different. Each season’s chests will contain drops specifically chosen for that season, and only one tier of chest will be available. (The Free Daily Chest remains the same—read below for more info.)
Get ready to strike with a Vipers War Chest!

Every Vipers War Chest you open is guaranteed to give you 50 Gold along with a mix of game-boosting items. Days of Premium Account, XP Boosters, and Silver are just some of the possibilities. You might also get one of 15 Premium tanks from Tiers VI to VIII in World War II mode and all three Eras in Cold War mode.
Vipers War Chests are available in bundles of 1 Vipers War Chest ($1.99), 5 Vipers War Chests ($9.49), 20 Vipers War Chests ($34.99), and 50 Vipers War Chests ($74.99).
Check out the drop tables and possible content below.
Additional Vipers War Chest(s) |
3.50% drop rate |
Commander XP Boosters |
14.52% drop rate |
Free XP |
5.00% drop rate |
Gold (in addition to the guaranteed 50 Gold) |
47.50% drop rate |
Days of Premium Account |
8.60% drop rate |
Silver |
12.07% drop rate |
Vehicle XP Booster |
21.41% drop rate |
Premium Tank + Vehicle Slot |
3.60% drop rate |
Here’s a closer look at the items you can possibly receive in your Vipers War Chests:
- Premium Tanks
- Additional Chest(s)
- Commander XP Boosters
- Free XP
- Gold
- Days of Premium Account
- Silver
- Vehicle XP Boosters
- Soviet Tier VI T-34-85 Rudy Medium Tank
- Czechoslovakian Tier VI Škoda T 40 Medium Tank
- American Tier VII T23E3 Medium Tank
- Japanese Tier VIII STA-2 Medium Tank
- American Tier VIII T25 Pilot Number 1 Medium Tank
- Soviet Tier VIII T-44-100 Medium Tank
- German Tier VIII Kampfpanzer 07 RH Medium Tank
- British Tier VIII Terrapin Mk. 1 Tank Destroyer
- French Tier VIII AMX Canon d’assaut 105 Tank Destroyer
- Soviet Tier VIII Shashka SU-130 PM Tank Destroyer
- Soviet Tier VIII Orthrus KV-4 KTTS Tank Destroyer
- NM-116 Post-War Era (Era 1) Western Alliance Tank Destroyer
- Type 63HG ’90 Escalation Era (Era 2) Eastern Alliance Light Tank
- Chieftain Concept Test Rig Escalation Era (Era 2) Western Alliance Tank Destroyer
- Type 59D Détente Era (Era 3) Eastern Alliance Medium Tank
- 1 Vipers War Chest
- 2 Vipers War Chests
- 3 Vipers War Chests
- x2 Commander XP Boosters
- x4 Commander XP Boosters
- x6 Commander XP Boosters
- 8,500 Free XP
- 9,000 Free XP
- 9,500 Free XP
- 10,000 Free XP
- 11,250 Free XP
- 12,500 Free XP
- 13,750 Free XP
- 15,000 Free XP
- 17,500 Free XP
- 20,000 Free XP
- 300 Gold
- 325 Gold
- 350 Gold
- 375 Gold
- 400 Gold
- 450 Gold
- 500 Gold
- 750 Gold
- 1,000 Gold
- 1,250 Gold
- 1 Day of Premium Account
- 3 Days of Premium Account
- 30 Days of Premium Account
- 25,000 Silver
- 140,000 Silver
- 160,000 Silver
- 200,000 Silver
- 400,000 Silver
- 1,000,000 Silver
- x1.25 Vehicle XP Boosters
- x1.5 Vehicle XP Boosters
- x2 Vehicle XP Boosters
- x3 Vehicle XP Boosters
- x4 Vehicle XP Boosters
Here are some examples of what the contents from a Vipers War Chest might look like:
- Example #1: 1 Day of Premium Account Time + 25,000 Silver + 50 Gold
- Example #2: x6 Commander XP Boosters (5) + 50 Gold
- Example #3: 1,050 Gold (1,000 Gold + 50 Gold)
- Example #4: Chieftain Concept Test Rig + Vehicle Slot + 50 Gold
Additionally, all the Premium tanks you can receive from a Vipers War Chest will have an equal chance of dropping, and an anti-duplicate mechanic will be in place for these tanks. What that means is that if you already own one of the vehicles listed, even if you acquired it a different way (in a Store bundle, as a Challenge reward, etc.), then you will not receive that reward again until all other possible tanks have been given first.
Your Vipers War Chest also includes a guaranteed drop mechanic for Premium tanks. If you open 39 Vipers War Chests without dropping a Premium tank, then when you open your 40th Vipers War Chest, you will receive a random tank that you don't already own. Receiving other content, even rare content, will not reset the Premium tank guaranteed drop counter.
This means you can keep receiving items until you reach your 40th chest and still be guaranteed a Premium tank. The guaranteed drop counter resets after a Premium tank is dropped.
- IMPORTANT NOTE! If you already possess all the possible Premium tank drops and you receive a Premium tank that you already own, then you will be compensated with 50% of the tank’s value in Gold instead.
Free Daily Chests
Vipers War Chests are new, but the Daily Chest remains the same. Don’t forget to log in once per day to receive a FREE Daily Chest!
Daily Chests contain different drops than the Vipers War Chests, but when it comes to building up your stash of supplies, there’s no better way to start than with a freebie. Log in today to claim yours! A new chest will be available to you once per day starting at 11:01 UTC (10:01 UTC starting March 9th, due to the beginning of Daylight Saving Time in the U.S.).
Here are the contents and drop rates for the Free Daily Chest:
Drop Type | Drop Chance |
Vehicle XP Booster |
40.00% |
Premium Consumable |
17.00% |
Free XP |
23.00% |
Commander XP Booster |
45.50% |
Silver Booster |
20.00% |
Premium Time |
3.00% |
Camo Voucher |
3.00% |
Get started with a Free Chest, and then add to your stockpile with a Vipers War Chest.
The content of War Chests includes seasonal content that is subject to change. We advise you to open your chests during the current sale window to receive content from the current drop table.
Every Vipers War Chest contains groups of items that are at least the same value as the cost of the chest itself.
Prices are displayed in USD. For pricing details for your region, please visit the in-game Store, the PlayStation Store, or the Microsoft Store. Availability may vary by platform and region. Vipers War Chests are non-refundable.