Tanks Reforged is the initiative that updates vehicles from World War II mode and brings them in line with today’s battle standards.
For the October 12th edition of Tanks Reforged, several of the mighty mediums in the E 50 M line have been updated, along with two related Premium vehicles.
Take a look at the rebalancing details below. Then, continue reading to see how to make the vehicles from the E 50 M line yours with On-Track!
The E 50 M is good in the areas of mobility, armor, and firepower, making it a well-rounded tank that can adapt and perform well no matter the situation it finds itself in. It’s not the type of tank that is the best at anything but instead is good at everything, which makes it a consistent and reliable tank to take out on the battlefield.
Its armor is set up differently from the armor on your average medium tank. Generally, mediums have weak hulls with more heavily armored turrets, but that’s not the case for the E 50 M. Instead, its hull is the strongest part of its armor, which can catch your enemies off guard, as your hull will bounce the rounds they are expecting to penetrate. Its turret armor is weak compared to its competitors because of this, but it could still use some improvement.
We’ve increased the armor thickness to block lower-tier guns; when making use of your gun depression, it can block some higher-tier rounds also.
Overall, the tank is performing well, but it has fallen behind in some areas that are mainly caused by the bad grind. Our focus for this tank was to improve the grind, first by getting rid of the stock gun that deals only 135 damage—this has no place on a Tier IX tank! That’s followed by improving the damage/reload of the remaining guns. Both turrets’ frontal armor has been increased to help shake off some additional rounds.
These adjustments will allow you to be more formidable in battle until you unlock the more powerful 10,5cm gun. From there, you’ll need to choose to use the quicker-firing L/100 with lower alpha or the slower-firing L/52 with bigger alpha.
Similar to the E 50, the Panther II had a poor grind and was a bit underpowered when fully upgraded. We removed the first two guns from this tank so that you start off with a gun that’s more appropriate for Tier VIII. Next, we improved the damage/reload for most of the guns to help improve their firepower. For the 8,8cm L/71, it received improvements to aim time and accuracy so that it fits the sniper playstyle of this tank better, similar to the other guns it equips.
This tank received some general gun improvements and an improvement to the turret traverse speed for the upgraded turret. Similar to the Panther II, the guns were a little underpowered. The Panther should now be able to better defend itself with its higher alpha damage.
To account for the changes happening with the Tech Tree Panther, we can’t leave out its Premium counterpart, the Revenant Kraft’s Panther. We’ve increased the reload and aim time to be on par with the Panther but gave it better accuracy for sniping. This helps to offset the fact that it’s not quite as mobile or well armored as the Panther.
This vehicle was generally lacking in speed, armor, and mobility compared to other German mediums at this tier. This has lead to a very low survival rate for this tank. To help, we’ve improved the hull frontal armor, which will help it survive a bit more, and improved the accuracy so that the lower-pen rounds are more likely to hit enemy weak spots.
Can’t wait to earn the newly reforged Tech Tree vehicles? You’re in luck! For the next two weeks, the E 50 M line is the focus of On-Track. Thanks to On-Track’s Silver discounts and +25% XP bonus on every tank in the line, you can make your way to those updated top-tier mediums more quickly than ever.
Take a look at the Silver discounts below:
Keep watching the News page and our social media channels to see which legendary vehicles will be updated in the next round of Tanks Reforged!