Tanker_Rewards Tanker_Rewards
Tanker Rewards: Play Hard, Earn Big!
OCT. 31, 2022

Get all the info on the player loyalty program for World of Tanks Modern Armor!

Level up your game with Tanker Rewards!

Tanker Rewards are in-game rewards that you earn just by doing what you already do: logging in, joining your friends on the battlefield, making purchases, and playing awesome matches.

All players are automatically enrolled in Tanker Rewards as soon as you log in and win a game. No extra sign-up is required!
The points you earn from your activity are calculated daily. They’ll show up in your account’s Rewards progress within 48 hours.
Each month, you’ll earn not one but TWO sets of rewards: one for your Monthly Progress and another for your Yearly Status.

You read that right. You’ll earn two sets of rewards every month that you’re an active player! And you can check your activity and the points you’ve acquired right here on the Rewards Points page.

Click on the links below or read on to learn about each set of Tanker Rewards!


Get fresh new rewards each month! Points toward your Monthly Progress are calculated every monthly reward cycle starting from 0.

There are four ways to earn Monthly Progress points:

  • Gameplay: Get one point for each day you log in and get at least one win in a qualifying battle.
  • Purchases: Get points for purchasing Gold packs and War Chests.
  • Battle performance: Get points for battle achievements, including winning, surviving, and destroying enemies.
  • Refer a Tanker Program: Recruits and Recruiters both earn points from game activities.



You probably noticed the Yearly Points in that list of rewards. That’s because your Monthly Progress doesn’t just give you Monthly Level Rewards. It also helps you get more from your second set of rewards—your Yearly Status Rewards!


Get rewards for your dedication! Points toward your Yearly Status are cumulative throughout the year, with a lifespan of 12 months.

Each month, you’ll be placed into a Yearly Status and Tier based on the points you’ve earned within the past year. In other words, your Yearly Status is calculated on a rolling basis going back 12 months from the current month.

PLEASE NOTE: This means that you might see increases or decreases in your Yearly point totals from month to month.

You’ll receive rewards for the month based on your current Yearly Status and Tier.

There are four ways to earn Yearly Status points:

  • Gameplay: Get one point for each day you log in and get at least one win in a qualifying battle.
  • Purchases: Get points for purchasing Gold packs and War Chests.
  • Monthly Progress: That’s right—the number of Monthly Progress points you earn also translates into points toward your Yearly Status!
  • Refer a Tanker Program: Recruits and Recruiters both earn points from game activities.




Do I need to be active in order to receive Tanker Rewards?

Yes. You’ll receive rewards for both Monthly and Yearly Progress only if you have participated in the game that month and have progress visible on your Monthly Rewards page.

How often are my point totals updated?

Points will be calculated once a day and may take up to 48 hours to be reflected in your Rewards progress.

When will I receive my rewards?

You’ll receive your rewards from the previous month within the first seven days of every month. They’ll be credited directly to your account.

What is a “qualifying battle”?

A qualifying battle that will get you Tanker Rewards points is a multiplayer battle in which you earn the minimum tank tier XP required:

  • Tank Tier I: minimum of 45 XP
  • Tank Tier II: minimum of 60 XP
  • Tank Tier III: minimum of 70 XP
  • Tank Tier IV: minimum of 80 XP
  • Tank Tier V: minimum of 100 XP
  • Tank Tier VI: minimum of 120 XP
  • Tank Tier VII: minimum of 140 XP
  • Tank Tier VIII: minimum of 160 XP
  • Tank Tier IX: minimum of 160 XP
  • Tank Tier X+: minimum of 160 XP

Note: At any tier, winning a battle will automatically give you the XP needed for that battle to qualify!

How many Monthly Progress points can I earn for my battle performance?

Glad you asked! We have a handy graphic to break it down. Tank battles are the core of World of Tanks Modern Armor and the Tanker Rewards program. The better you battle, the more Monthly Progress points you earn!


Really? I don’t have to create a special Tanker Rewards account or anything?

You’re already enrolled as soon as you win your first multiplayer battle, Commander!

Tanker Rewards are meant to reward you throughout the year for your time on the battlefield, so don’t miss out on any of the incredible opportunities to increase your status.

Head to the Rewards Points page below and log in with your game account to see what you’ve earned so far. Play hard, earn big!