Add formidable tanks like the T95/FV4201 Chieftain and the Alvis Stormer 30 to your garage, or get Silver, Free XP, and other possible drops.
Preparing for battle is essential, but what if you could prepare for battle while also enjoying a surprise? See what random drops you get when you open one of the latest Tank War Chests!

Starting January 21st, head to the in-game Store to get your Tank War Chests for only 800 Gold each. You can also get them in bundles of eight, twelve, and twenty.
Chest Amount | Price |
1 Tank War Chest |
800 Gold |
8 Tank War Chests |
6,400 Gold |
12 Tank War Chests |
9,600 Gold |
20 Tank War Chests |
16,000 Gold |
Tank War Chests give you random drops (from one to five items) with a total that’s worth at least the value of the chest, if not more. Here are the drops you can possibly receive, together with their drop rates:
Drop | % Drop Rate |
Premium Consumable |
4.94% |
Vehicle XP Booster(x2, x3, x4, x5) |
40.57% |
Silver |
7.38% |
Commander XP Booster(x2.25, x2.75, x4, x6, x8) |
30.20% |
Free XP Booster(x2, x3, x5, x6) |
13.66% |
Silver Booster(x1.25, x1.5, x2) |
16.95% |
Days of Premium Account(1, 7, 14, or 30 Days) |
17.64% |
Free XP |
13.06% |
Premium Tank |
12.00% |
Included among the drops are Premium vehicles from Tiers III – X for World War II mode and the Escalation and Détente Eras (Eras 2 and 3) for Cold War mode, as well Premium Consumables for you to fine-tune your tanks’ performance in battle.
With that said, let’s take a closer look at the Premium tanks, Boosters, Consumables, and more that you can receive with these Chests, now through February 24th.
All tanks come with their own vehicle slot.
- Premium Tanks
- Premium Consumables
- Vehicle XP Booster
- Silver
- Commander XP Booster
- Free XP Booster
- Silver Booster
- Premium Account
- Free XP
- M3 Light (Rare)
- BT-7 artillery (Rare)
- T-29 (Rare)
- Valentine II (Rare)
- SU-100Y (Rare)
- IS-2M (Rare)
- Type 63 (Rare)
- Beach Party (Rare)
- ISU-130 (Rare)
- WZ-122 (Rare)
- Vickers MBT Mk. 3 (Epic)
- WZ-1224 (Epic)
- Object 490 “Topol” (Epic)
- Alvis Stormer 30 (Epic)
- T95/FV4201 Chieftain (Epic)
- Enhanced Fire Suppressor
- Enhanced Fuel Boost
- Enhanced Med Kit
- Enhanced Rations
- Enhanced Repair Kit
- Enhanced Smokescreen
- x2 Vehicle XP Booster
- x3 Vehicle XP Booster
- x4 Vehicle XP Booster
- x5 Vehicle XP Booster
- 500,000 Silver
- 750,000 Silver
- 1,000,000 Silver
- 1,250,000 Silver
- 1,500,000 Silver
- 1,750,000 Silver
- 2,000,000 Silver
- 2,500,000 Silver
- x2.25 Commander XP Booster
- x2.75 Commander XP Booster
- x4 Commander XP Booster
- x6 Commander XP Booster
- x8 Commander XP Booster
- x2 Free XP Booster
- x3 Free XP Booster
- x5 Free XP Booster
- x6 Free XP Booster
- x1.25 Silver Booster
- x1.5 Silver Booster
- x2 Silver Booster
- 1 Day of Premium Account
- 7 Days of Premium Account
- 14 Days of Premium Account
- 30 Days of Premium Account
- 20,000 Free XP
- 22,500 Free XP
- 25,000 Free XP
- 40,000 Free XP
- 60,000 Free XP
Here are some examples of what the contents from a Tank War Chest might look like:
- Example #1: 40,000 Free XP + x3 Free XP Booster (5) + x4 Vehicle XP Booster (5) + x6 Commander XP Booster (5)
- Example #2: 1,000,000 Silver
- Example #3: Enhanced Fire Suppressor (10) + Enhanced Med Kit (10) + Enhanced Repair Kit (10) + Enhanced Rations (10) + Enhanced Fuel Boost (10)
- Example #4: WZ-122 (Rare) + Vehicle Slot + 1 Day of Premium Account
- Example #5: T95/FV4201 Chieftain (Epic) + Vehicle Slot + 7 Days of Premium Account
Your Tank War Chest includes a guaranteed drop mechanic for the Epic reward group. If you open 39 War Chests without dropping an item from this group, then when you open the 40th Tank War Chest, you will receive a random item that you don't already own. Receiving a Rare tank will not reset the Epic guaranteed drop counter.
This means you can keep receiving Rare tanks until you reach your 40th chest and still be guaranteed the Epic tank. The guaranteed drop counter resets after an item from the Epic reward group is dropped. If you already possess all the items from the Epic reward group and the Tank War Chest drops an item from this group, you will receive the tank's value in Silver instead.
To clarify:
- The system described above applies to Epic drops regardless of how you received your item previously. If you own a tank listed as an Epic reward, even if you acquired it a different way (in a Store bundle, as a Challenge reward, etc.), then you will not receive that reward again until all other Epic rewards have been given first.
- For Rare/non-Epic rewards, you CAN receive a vehicle from a Tank War Chest that you have previously acquired a different way (in a Store bundle, as a Challenge reward, etc.).
- IMPORTANT NOTE! If you receive a Premium tank that you already own, then you will be compensated with the tank’s value in Silver instead.
Head to the Store and grab a Tank War Chest for 800 Gold starting January 21st!
Note: The content of the chests includes seasonal content that is subject to change. We advise you to open your chests at the time of purchase to receive content from the current drop table.
Every Tank War Chest contains groups of items that are at least the same value as the cost of the chest itself. Tank War Chests are non-refundable.