Monsters Monsters
The UPDATED Bestiary of Monster Tanks – 2024 Edition

Know this, Commander: the beasts are real. Their presence upon the battlefield can’t be denied. Their ferociousness, unmatched. And once every year, they awaken to reveal their true forms and satisfy their monstruous nature through battle. You’re wise in seeking to learn more about them. For when facing the Monster Tanks, you’ll need all the knowledge you can get.

This year, from October 22nd through November 4th, any Monster Tanks that you’ve earned through the Monster Hunter Challenge or purchased will be unchained to reveal their hidden powers during the Monster Mash event.

More information about Monster Mash 2024 will be coming later this week on our News page.

For now, know this: every Monster Tank has unique, supernatural Awakened Powers available in Monster Mash mode, only at this frightful time of the year.

Click on a tank or read on to learn each vehicle’s lore and see what abilities await…


The Spectre (Mode-exclusive)

Tier: VI
Nation: U.S.S.R.
Class: Light Tank

Spectre Full Size

Background Information:

Every year, come Halloween, the Spectre rises to haunt the grounds of Dead City. Its body is an ethereal fusion of every tank ever lost in battle, locked in an eternal conflict; its crew, a skeleton crew of souls who gave everything the fight demanded… and then some.

During the brief time each year when the window to the spirit realm is open, every tanker can command the Spectre—it welcomes all into its ghastly embrace. It moves eerily and quickly, making almost no contact with the ground, and it fires globs of ectoplasm at a high rate of TERROR!


Lycan T71

Tier: VII

Nation: U.S.A.

Class: Light Tank

Monster Mash Class: Light Tank

Lycan Full Size

Background Information:

This is the Lycan version of an experimental airborne light tank with an oscillating turret. The T71 was developed from 1952 through 1953 as a replacement for the M41. The armament was deemed ineffective, and the development was discontinued. Only one wooden prototype was built.

Awakened Powers:

As soon as the Lycan T71 finishes loading its ammo, it enters Lycan mode. It receives enormous boosts to its speed, handling, rate of fire, and accuracy, and it becomes invulnerable to falling damage!

The Lycan T71 returns to its normal state and loses its boosts once its ammo clip is empty, so stay aware… and be wary!

Revenant Kraft’s Panther

Tier: VII

Nation: Germany

Class: Medium Tank

Monster Mash Class: Tank Destroyer

Revenant Krafts Panther Full Size

Background Information:

The destroyed Revenant Kraft’s Panther has returned from the dead to terrorize the battlefield! This famous tank was produced from January 1943 through April 1945, with a total of 5,796 vehicles built plus eight vehicles built on the F-series chassis.

Awakened Powers:

As a way to deceive its prey, when not moving, the Revenant Kraft’s Panther appears as a destroyed tank that doesn't reveal its position when spotted. It blends in with the numerous tank corpses that are littered around the decayed battlefield.

It may move slowly, but it’s also nearly impossible to track. What else would you expect from the dead come back to life?

Gorynych KV-5

Tier: VIII

Nation: U.S.S.R.

Class: Heavy Tank

Monster Mash Class: Heavy Tank

Gorynych Full Size

Background Information:

This ancient dragon will strike fear into the hearts of its enemies. The development of the KV-5 was started in June 1941, with design evaluation completed by August. The project was canceled because of the Siege of Leningrad.

Awakened Powers:

Just like the mythical dragon that gives it its name, the Gorynych KV-5 breathes fiery destruction. Not only can it ignite nearby tanks with fire breath; it can also spit powerful fireballs that do HE damage.

As if that doesn’t make the Gorynych KV-5 formidable enough, it also regenerates health slowly over time!

Kaiju O-I

Tier: VI

Nation: Japan

Class: Heavy Tank

Monster Mash Class: Heavy Tank

Kaiju O-I Full Size

Background Information:

This monstrous, lizard-like tank can really throw its weight around! Development of the superheavy O-I tank was started after the Battles of Khalkhyn Gol in 1939. The vehicle was designed as a maneuverable fire unit that was unprecedented in scale—its hull alone weighted 100 tons. Only one prototype was built, without a turret and made of construction steel. Trials were discontinued due to the unreliable engine, and the prototype was scrapped at the end of 1944. The 15 cm Howitzer was to be mounted on the tank after assembly.

Awakened Powers:

In true mega-monster form, the Kaiju O-I shoots lightning-fast electrical bolts and releases a fiery atomic breath that causes heavy damage to tanks foolish enough to get close to it.

And as for defense? In addition to its ability to repair its modules at super-sonic speeds, it boasts an immunity to fire damage!


Dragon Type 62

Tier: VII

Nation: China

Class: Light Tank

Monster Mash Class: Light Tank

Dragon Type 62 Full Size

Background Information


An ancient dragon awaits to return from the spirit realm to wage battle once more. The Type 62 light tank was the first tank originally designed in China. Under development since 1958, the tank was intended for the southern regions of China. In 1962, after thorough testing, the vehicle entered service. By 1989 a total of 1500 vehicles were produced. The Type 62 was exported to Albania, Congo, Mali, Sudan, Vietnam, and Zaire.

Awakened Powers:

The Dragon Type 62 has the unique ability to teleport around the map using spirit portals. Whether it uses them to escape pursuit or surprise enemies, the portals are open only to the Dragon!

Höllenhund leKpz M 41 90 mm

Tier: VIII

Nation: Germany

Class: Light Tank

Monster Mash Class: Light Tank

Hollenhund Full Size

Background Information:

The leKpz M 41 90 mm was the German modification of the M41A1 Walker Bulldog U.S. light tank. Major changes were introduced to the 76 mm gun M32, which was reamed out to 90 mm and shortened by 425 mm.

Awakened Powers:

With every bit of health that the awakened Höllenhund leKpz M 41 90 mm loses, its ferocity increases. Its reload speed, aim speed, and handling all increase dramatically as it takes damage… and it becomes an even more savage beast to behold!


Bog Horror

Tier: VIII

Nation: U.S.A.

Class: Heavy Tank

Monster Mash Class: Heavy Tank

Bog Horror Full Size

Background Information:

From the murky depths emerges a beast made from the very swamp it inhabits. The M6A2E1 was a further development of the T1 and M6 heavy tanks. Developed in August 1944, the vehicle mounted a large turret and the 105 mm gun. It never saw mass production.

Awakened Powers:

This amphibious atrocity’s Ensnaring Shell ammo traps the enemy in vines, immobilizing their tracks for three seconds.

Additionally, the Bog Horror’s height advantage not only strikes fear into the hearts of its enemies. It also allows it to shoot over obstacles and take advantage of positions on the battlefield that other vehicles can’t reach!

Wraith Panzer 58

Tier: VIII

Nation: Germany

Class: Medium Tank

Monster Mash Class: Medium Tank

Wraith Full Size

Background Information:

A deadly shadow that stalks the battlefield, hungering for its next meal. The Panzer 58 was developed in 1953 as a Swiss project to create a medium tank with improved combat characteristics and the ability to fight in mountainous terrain. The plans called for using the gun from the British Centurion tank. A total of two prototypes and ten vehicles were produced, but the vehicle never saw mass production.

Awakened Powers:

The Wraith Panzer 58 possesses the uncanny Life Leech ability. Every bit of damage it does to an enemy allows it to leech life from that very tank and heal itself for that same amount. In other words, the ratio of damage to health gained is 1:1. Anyone challenging the Wraith faces daunting odds!


Inferno Chimera

Tier: VIII

Nation: U.K.

Class: Medium Tank

Monster Mash Class: Medium Tank

Inferno Chimera Full Size

Background Information:

The adamant beast whose soul slumbers until the night of terror returns. The Chimera was the result of a project for a heavy British tank, designed to counter the Soviet IS-3. Despite non-standard solutions and the application of German tank-building technologies, the project was discontinued and existed only in blueprints.

Awakened Powers:

The Inferno Chimera will re-spawn for a total of three lives, each with its own ability.

  • First Life: Goat (Purple)
    • Quick repairs and intense ramming power.
  • Second Life: Snake (Bluish Green)
    • Dramatic gains in engine power, turret rotation, and camouflage.
  • Third Life: Lion (Lighter Purple)
    • Fearsome piercing ability and relentless reload times.

Bellerophon Centurion Mk. 5/1 RAAC

Tier: VIII

Nation: U.K.

Class: Medium Tank

Monster Mash Class: Medium Tank

Bellerophon Full Size

Background Information:

The fighting spirit of an ancient Greek hero rests until the inevitable return of the Chimera. The Centurion Mk. 5/1 RAAC was a variant of the British post-war Centurion Mk. 5 tank with improved frontal armor, machine guns, and a more powerful engine. The vehicle featured a 100-gallon additional armored fuel tank in the rear, and was not provided with screens. The tank saw service in Australian tank units in Vietnam.

Awakened Powers:

As an homage to one of the greatest heroes and hunters in mythology, the Bellerophon Centurion Mk. 5/1 RAAC uses three brutal types of ammo:

  • Impaler: Standard ammo—a spear that hits enemies and shatters to do damage.
  • Force Push: A spear that hits enemies, sticks into them, and pushes them away.
  • Skewer Pull: A spear that hits enemies, sticks into them, and pulls them towards the attacker.


Fangula™ AE Phase 1

Tier: IX

Nation: U.S.A.

Class: Heavy Tank

Monster Mash Class: Heavy Tank

Playable, but no longer available to purchase or earn


Background Information:

The AE Phase 1 was developed in 1951. The advantage of four-track vehicles was the capability to continue moving when two tracks were damaged, as well as to mount a large-diameter turret race ring. After studying the project, Associated Engineers Inc. was asked to develop a second variant with another track drive system, one drive on each side. It existed only in blueprints.

Awakened Powers:

The Fangula™ AE Phase 1 decimates its enemies in several ways. It comes with two types of ammo to unload: Crimson Fangs (AP) and Boiling Bursters (HE).

But if you’d prefer to give your enemies an unforgettable ending, press the handbrake to jump in the air and come crashing down on your opponent!

Dread Dozer M48A2 Räumpanzer

Tier: VIII

Nation: Germany

Class: Medium Tank

Monster Mash Class: Medium Tank

Playable, but no longer available to purchase or earn


Background Information:

This was the predecessor of engineering vehicles developed on the basis of the American M48 post-war medium tank. Equipped with the M48A1 dozer blade, these vehicles entered service in Bundeswehr engineering units and were used until the late 1990s in territorial forces, but with demounted guns. A total of 53 vehicles saw service in the Bundeswehr.

Awakened Powers:

That blade, that vicious blade! Put the Dread Dozer’s blade to good use by ramming it against your enemies and sending them flying through the air.

Or, send your enemies off in a more traditional way by firing the Dread Dozer’s unique Toxic Spikes (AP) or Muck Bomb (HE) ammo!


The Creature

Tier: VII

Nation: Germany

Class: Tank Destroyer

Monster Mash Class: Medium Tank

The Creature Full Size

Background Information:

Created in an obscure lab in Ingolstadt, Germany, The Creature is a diabolical fusion of parts scrapped from tanks in the Sturmpanzer line. Its engine roared to life when lightning struck it one fateful night. Afterward, its creator mysteriously vanished, leaving the dismal Creature alone to wander the world in search of a Tanker to share its existence.

Awakened Powers:

The Creature’s awakening has granted it a supernatural piece of Equipment that allows it to call down a chain of lightning onto enemies in its path. To use this power, aim The Creature’s gun at a location on the map and press right on the D-pad to watch the storm wreak havoc!


Death Chariot

Tier: VIII

Nation: China

Class: Heavy Tank

Monster Mash Class: Heavy Tank

Death Chariot Full Size

Background Information:

Fear itself rides forth into battle! This terrifying specter relentlessly stalks its victims, reaping their souls with its powerful gun and Death Skull Missile abilities.

Awakened Powers:

Unleash the Death Chariot’s awakened powers by sicking your enemy-seeking skull missiles (yes, you read that right) loose upon your opponents.


Tier: IX

Nation: U.S.A.

Class: Medium Tank

Monster Mash Class: Heavy Tank

Arachnid Full Size

Background Information:

Use your handbrake to launch the Arachnid upwards. Take shots, dodge shells, or land on your enemies to deal massive damage! Is there anything worse than a giant spider landing on you?

Awakened Powers:

If you like to deliver your enemies an unforgettable ending in each battle, press the handbrake to jump in the air and come crashing down on them.


Tier: VIII

Nation: Germany

Class: Heavy Tank

Monster Mash Class: Medium Tank

Asterion Full Size

Background Information:

Make your opponents feel like there’s no way out. Like the Hoplites (the soldiers of Ancient Greece), the Asterion fights its battles head-on, using its frontal spade as added protection.

Awakened Powers:

Put the Asterion’s blade to good use by ramming it against your enemies and sending them flying through the air.


Roswell XM66F

Tier: VIII

Nation: U.S.A.

Class: Tank Destroyer

Monster Mash Class: Heavy Tank

Roswell XM66F Awakened

Background Information:

The design that inspired the Roswell XM66F was a late 1950s project developed as an alternative to gun launcher-armed vehicles. Its main feature was placement of the whole crew in the tank's turret, which would grant the most protection and reduce the frontal projection area. However, the project was never developed beyond its early conceptual phases… at least, not on this planet.

Awakened Powers:

(Declassified and approved for release pursuant to E.O. WoTMA1023:)

In addition to its standard Positron Blaster shell, the Roswell XM66F can fire a second shell: Tractor Beam. When this shell hits, it will initiate a horrifying experience for all tanks in the immediate area, similar to HE ammo’s radius of effect: an alien abduction!

During the abduction, UFOs will warp in and appear above each of the victim tanks in the area of effect. The tanks will then be lifted into the air and suspended, receiving damage every second. Tanks struck directly by the Tractor Beam will take more damage than tanks indirectly affected.

After several seconds, the victim tanks will be released and will fall to the ground (fall damage is canceled during this time and crushing damage is reduced by half). The encounter will then conclude—assuming that the extraterrestrials have gotten what they came for…

Pharaoh's Fury Ramses II

Era: Escalation (Era 2)

Affiliation: Independent

Class: Medium Tank

Monster Mash Class: Medium Tank

Pharaohs Fury Ramses II Awakened

Background Information:

Once, long ago, a great pharaoh reigned over the land. Under his rule, warring tribes were joined as one empire; under his watch, monoliths and statues were erected as testaments to his power. So fearsome was his strength that not even death could claim him, only… transform him. Today he stalks the grounds of battle in a new guise, embodied by a chariot of fire and steel and able to unleash the wrath of nature itself upon any who dare question his might.

Awakened Powers:

Fear the fury of a restless ruler! The Awakened version of the Pharaoh’s Fury Ramses II uses the flamethrower mechanic to unleash a special secondary shell: Scarab Swarm. This visually unique shell will engulf enemies and deal damage over time while it’s fired—a fitting end to any enemy who would oppose this pharaoh’s eternal reign. And yes, this Cold War tank can join the other Awakened Monster Tanks in battle… only in Monster Mash mode!


Night Stalker

Tier: IX

Nation: U.S.A.

Class: Tank Destroyer

Monster Mash Class: Heavy Tank

Awakened Nightstalker  - Reformatted

Background Information:

They say that at night, when the midnight hour closes upon the living world like the lid of a coffin, a terrifying beast emerges from the deepest crypts. This hunter prowls the land, sweeping low across the ground in search of lesser beings whose senses the darkness has dulled. It seizes its prey in its sight. And when the hunter is ready… it feeds, its weapons destroying its victim’s resistance like two fangs piercing flesh.

Awakened Powers:

The Night Stalker’s awakened power is called Bloodlust. Once you fill your Bloodlust meter and activate it, you’ll enter a heightened state in which the tank becomes even more effective. See it like a vampire getting stronger by feeding on its victim.

  • This is the baseline state in which you fill your Bloodlust meter.
  • Your meter will passively fill over time to 66.6%. Yes, that is the actual value.
  • Damaging tanks will help fill your meter more.
  • Destroying a tank will instantly fill your meter and unlock the Bloodlust Enhanced state.
  • Your tank fires in Single Fire mode.
  • Once your Bloodlust meter is full, you can active its power by pressing left on the D-pad.
  • Bloodlust lasts for 20 seconds.
  • When you activate Bloodlust:
    • Bats swarm around your tank, and your tank visibly glows with a deadly red glow!
    • Enhanced vision activates, making enemies much easier to see. This will also highlight players playing the Awakened Revenant Kraft’s Panther!
  • Your tank fires in Double Shot mode, shooting from both barrels at the same time.
  • All of your tank’s stats are heightened.
    • Bloodlust Enhanced: If you destroy a tank prior to activating Bloodlust, you’ll receive an additional performance boost while in the Bloodlust State.
  • When Bloodlust ends, you enter a Cooldown period.
  • Cooldown lasts for 10 seconds.
  • While in Cooldown, your meter will not charge over time.
  • Doing damage will not fill your meter.
  • Destroying a tank will bypass your Cooldown, instantly fill your meter, and unlock the Bloodlust Enhanced state.
  • Your tank fires in Single Fire mode.


Era: Escalation (Era 2)

Affiliation: Western Alliance

Class: Tank Destroyer

Monster Mash Class: Light Tank

Awakened Monsterjager - Reformatted

Background Information:

“…when uncommon monsters persist in their terror, perhaps then uncommon weapons may find their purpose. To combat the bloodsucking menace that assails us, let us fortify such vehicles as we command with twice as much firepower as we have used before…” Abraham Van Helsing, Tank Commander.

Awakened Powers:

This tank utilizes the “monster hunter's arsenal” to take on a variety of beasts. Therefore, each gun will be more effective against specific enemies. If you wish to succeed with this tank, you will need to figure out the correct weapon to use. The ammo arsenal can be seen below, along with the Monster Tanks they are best suited to fight.

HOT WHEELS™ and associated trademarks and trade dress are owned by, and used under license from, Mattel. ©2024 Mattel.

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