ShPTK-TVP 100-1920 ShPTK-TVP 100-1920
New Contracts: ShPTK-TVP 100 + RamRod

Turreted tank destroyer or hard-hitting light? Take your pick with these contracts!

Whichever contract you choose, one thing is certain: both tanks have the firepower to leave an impression in battle, along with a few holes in your enemies’ armor.

Starting March 12th, sign a contract to earn one of the two tanks below:

When you take on a contract, you get a chance to earn a tank (plus its associated 2D Standard Commander if it’s a Mercenary contract) by completing a series of tasks over several stages. You’ll also earn rewards along the way as you complete those tasks.

Here’s what else you should know about contracts:

  • You can have only one contract active at a time! Once you’ve signed a contract, choosing a new contract will cause you to lose any progress made on the one you’re currently working toward.
  • Certain tasks might have tier or class restrictions, but otherwise, each contract can be completed using either World War II or Cold War tanks. Choose your vehicles wisely!
  • Each tank's contract can be completed only once (unless you previously completed that tank's contract prior to December 2020). Once you complete the contract's final stage, you won't be able to take on that tank's contract again.
  • You can use Gold to skip certain stages! The buyout amounts for each stage will be listed with the other contract details below. Buyouts will be available for one week after the contract’s end date:
    • ShPTK-TVP 100: Buyouts available through May 27th
    • RamRod: Buyouts available through April 29th

Time to sign up. Read on for each contract’s details, and then head to the “Contracts” tab in game when you’re ready to get started!




As a turreted tank destroyer, the ShPTK-TVP 100 gives you more flexibility to work with in battle. It’s best used in a classic long-distance support role, so make use of your reliable gun and mobility to become an unpredictable player on the field.

Note: Upon completing the contract, if you already own the ShPTK-TVP 100, you’ll receive its value in Silver (3,680,000 Silver) instead.

ShPTK-TVP 100-1920

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ShPTK-TVP 100: Stage 1

Win a battle

Earn 2,400 or more XP in any number of battles
Med Kit (2)
Repair Kit (2)
Fire Suppressor (2)



World War II mode: Available to Tiers IV - X
Cold War mode: Available to all Eras
Available to Multiplayer only
Available once per contract signing


ShPTK-TVP 100: Stage 2

Win a battle

Place in the top 5 XP earners on your team in a battle

Earn 3,600 or more XP in any number of battles
x1.25 Silver Booster (2)



Must play tank destroyers
World War II mode: Available to Tiers V - X
Cold War mode: Available to all Eras
Available to multiplayer only
Available once per contract signing


ShPTK-TVP 100: Stage 3

Destroy 2 or more vehicles while enemy is less than 100 meters in any number of battles
Deal 7,500 or more damage in any number of battles
Earn 8,400 or more XP in any number of batt
Med Kit (1)
Repair Kit (1)
Fire Suppressor (1)
x1.25 Silver Booster (1)
x2 Vehicle XP Booster (2)
16,200 Silver



Must play tank destroyers
World War II mode: Available to Tiers V - X
Cold War mode: Available to all Eras
Available to Multiplayer only
Available once per contract signing


ShPTK-TVP 100: Stage 4

Deal 15,000 or more damage in any number of battles
Earn 16,800 or more XP in any number of battles
Enhanced Med Kit (1)
Enhanced Repair Kit (1)
Enhanced Fire Suppressor (1)
x1.5 Silver Booster (2)
x2 Vehicle XP Booster (1)
25,600 Silver



Must play tank destroyers
World War II mode: Available to Tiers V - X
Cold War mode: Available to all Eras
Available to Multiplayer only
Available once per contract signing


ShPTK-TVP 100: Stage 5

Destroy 25 or more vehicles in any number of battles
Damage enemy modules or crews in 23 battles
Earn 34,800 or more XP in any number of battles
Premium Time – 3 Days
Enhanced Med Kit (1)
Enhanced Repair Kit (1)
Enhanced Fire Suppressor (1)
x1.5 Silver Booster (1)
26,800 Silver



Must play tank destroyers
World War II mode: Available to Tiers VI - X
Cold War mode: Available to all Eras
Available to Multiplayer only
Available once per contract signing


ShPTK-TVP 100: Stage 6

Destroy 50 or more vehicles in any number of battles
Earn 74,400 or more XP in any number of battles
Enhanced Med Kit (1)
Enhanced Repair Kit (1)
Enhanced Fire Suppressor (1)
766,000 Silver



Must play tank destroyers
World War II mode: Available to Tiers VI – X
Cold War mode: Available to all Eras
Available to Multiplayer only
Available once per contract signing


ShPTK-TVP 100: Stage 7

Destroy 105 or more vehicles in any number of battles
Earn 159,600 or more XP in any number of battles
1,772,000 Silver



Must play tank destroyers
World War II mode: Available to Tiers VIII – X
Cold War mode: Available to all Eras
Available to Multiplayer only
Available once per contract signing


ShPTK-TVP 100: Stage 8

Earn 340,800 or more XP in any number of battles



Must play tank destroyers
World War II mode: Available to Tiers VIII – X
Cold War mode: Available to all Eras
Available to Multiplayer only
Available once per contract signing


ShPTK-TVP 100: Stage Buyout Amounts – Available through May 27th

  • Stage 1 – 45
  • Stage 2 – 95
  • Stage 3 – 210
  • Stage 4 – 450
  • Stage 5 – 960
  • Stage 6 – 2,065
  • Stage 7 – 4,430
  • Stage 8 – 9,500

Contract: RamRod


This light tank brings you a trusty gun with impressive DPM values–an excellent addition to its class-renowned mobility. Combine both and take the best firing positions on the battlefield to surprise the enemy.

Note: Upon completing the contract, if you already own RamRod, you’ll receive its value in Silver (2,304,000 Silver) instead.


Expand all

RamRod: Stage 1

Win a battle

Earn 2,400 or more XP in any number of battles
Med Kit (1)
Repair Kit (1)
Fire Suppressor (1)
7,000 Silver



World War II mode: Available to Tiers IV - X
Cold War mode: Available to all Eras
Available to Multiplayer only
Available once per contract signing


RamRod: Stage 2

Win a battle

Place in the top 5 XP earners on your team in a battle

Earn 3,600 or more XP in any number of battles
Med Kit (1)
Repair Kit (1)
Fire Suppressor (1)
x1.25 Silver Booster (1)
4,200 Silver



Must play medium tanks or tank destroyers
World War II mode: Available to Tiers IV – X
Cold War mode: Available to all Eras
Available to Multiplayer only
Available once per contract signing


RamRod: Stage 3

Detect 3 or more vehicles in a winning battle
Detect 10 or more vehicles in any number of battles

Earn 6,000 or more XP in any number of battles
Med Kit (1)
Repair Kit (1)
x1.25 Silver Booster (2)
x2 Vehicle XP Booster (1)



Must play light tanks
World War II mode: Available to Tiers V – X
Cold War mode: Available to all Eras
Available to Multiplayer only
Available once per contract signing


RamRod: Stage 4

Assist with spotting damage totaling at least 1,700 in any number of battles

Destroy 2 or more vehicles while enemy is immobilized in any number of battles

Earn 12,000 or more XP in any number of battles
Med Kit (1)
Repair Kit (1)
Fire Suppressor (1)
x1.5 Silver Booster (2)
x2 Vehicle XP Booster (2)
8,600 Silver



Must play light tanks or medium tanks
World War II mode: Available to Tiers IV – X
Cold War mode: Available to all Eras
Available to Multiplayer only
Available once per contract signing


RamRod: Stage 5

Deal 22,500 or more damage in any number of battles

Assist with spotting damage totaling at least 1x your maximum health in a battle

Earn 25,200 or more XP in any number of battles
Premium Time – 3 Days
Med Kit (2)
Repair Kit (2)
2,000 Silver



Must play light tanks or heavy tanks
World War II mode: Available to Tiers IV – X
Cold War mode: Available to all Eras
Available to Multiplayer only
Available once per contract signing


RamRod: Stage 6

Damage 60 vehicles in any number of battles

Earn 51,600 or more XP in any number of battles
Enhanced Med Kit (2)
Enhanced Repair Kit (2)
Enhanced Fire Suppressor (2)
x1.5 Silver Booster (1)
410,800 Silver



Must play light tanks or medium tanks
World War II mode: Available to Tiers IV – X
Cold War mode: Available to all Eras
Available to Multiplayer only
Available once per contract signing


RamRod: Stage 7

Detect 100 or more vehicles in any number of battles

Assist with spotting damage totaling at least 14,700 in any number of battles

Earn 105,600 or more XP in any number of battles
1,174,000 Silver



Must play light tanks, medium tanks, or heavy tanks
World War II mode: Available to Tiers IV– X
Cold War mode: Available to all Eras
Available to Multiplayer only
Available once per contract signing


RamRod: Stage 8

Earn 218,400 or more XP in any number of battles

Callous Chimera 2D Standard Commander

Vehicle Slot



Must play light tanks, medium tanks, or heavy tanks
World War II mode: Available to Tiers VII – X
Cold War mode: Available to all Eras
Available to Multiplayer only
Available once per contract signing


RamRod: Stage Buyout Amounts (Available through April 29th)

  • Stage 1 – 40
  • Stage 2 – 80
  • Stage 3 – 160
  • Stage 4 – 330
  • Stage 5 – 685
  • Stage 6 – 1,420
  • Stage 7 – 2,935
  • Stage 8 – 6,060
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