A well-executed maneuver will make all the difference in battle; you can achieve much when you put the right tank in the right place at the right time.
Ready to test that theory? Then sign the latest Mercenary contract to work toward the Mercenary Tier VI SpyGlass Light Tank and get additional rewards on your way to the top.
When you take on a contract, you get the chance to earn a tank and a 2D Standard Commander by completing a series of tasks over eight stages. You’ll earn additional rewards as you complete each stage, including Consumables, Silver, XP Boosters, and even Premium Time.
This time, the tank you can work toward is SpyGlass. It may look unimposing, but that’s exactly how it likes it. The SpyGlass’s mobility is second to none, and it also comes with a four-shot autoloader capable of good burst damage for its tier. Set up your ambush, wait for the enemy to pass, then proceed to unload your clip at point-blank range before falling back to safety.
- Good tank for ambushes
- Well-suited for passive and active scouting
- Can play the support vehicle when needed

Here’s what else you should know about contracts:
- You can have only one contract active at a time! Once you’ve signed a contract, choosing a new contract will cause you to lose any progress made on the one you’re currently working toward.
- Certain tasks might have tier or class restrictions, but otherwise, each contract can be completed using either World War II or Cold War tanks. Choose your vehicles wisely!
- You can use Gold to skip certain stages! The buyout amounts for each stage will be listed with the other contract details below. Buyouts for SpyGlass will be available through May 15th.
Sounds good? Then read on for the contract’s details, and head to the “Contracts” tab in game to sign up to earn this tank!
Note: Upon completing the contract, if you already own SpyGlass, you’ll receive its value in Silver (948,000 Silver) instead.
SpyGlass: Stage 1
GOALSWin a battle Earn 1,200 or more XP in any number of battles |
REWARDSMed Kit (1) Repair Kit (1) Fire Suppressor (1) 1,000 Silver |
RESTRICTIONSWorld War II mode: Available to Tiers IV - X Cold War mode: Available to all Eras Available to multiplayer only Available once per contract signing |
SpyGlass: Stage 2
GOALSWin a battle Place in the top 8 XP earners on your team in a battle Earn 2,400 or more XP in any number of battles |
REWARDSx1.25 Silver Booster (1) 1,200 Silver |
RESTRICTIONSMust play light tanks or medium tanks World War II mode: Available to Tiers IV - X Cold War mode: Available to all Eras Available to multiplayer only Available once per contract signing |
SpyGlass: Stage 3
GOALSDestroy 1 or more vehicles in any number of battles Land 10 penetrating hits in any number of battles Earn 3,600 or more XP in any number of battles |
REWARDSx1.25 Silver Booster (2) 2,400 Silver |
RESTRICTIONSMust play light tanks or medium tanks World War II mode: Available to Tiers IV - X Cold War mode: Available to all Eras Available to multiplayer only Available once per contract signing |
SpyGlass: Stage 4
GOALSAssist with spotting damage totaling at least 1,000 in any number of battles Destroy 1 or more vehicles while enemy is immobilized in any number of battles Earn 7,200 or more XP in any number of battles |
REWARDSx1.5 Silver Booster (2) 1,600 Silver |
RESTRICTIONSMust play light tanks or artillery World War II mode: Available to Tiers IV - X Cold War mode: Available to all Eras Available to multiplayer only Available once per contract signing |
SpyGlass: Stage 5
GOALSDeal 13,000 or more damage in any number of battles Assist with spotting damage totaling at least 1x your maximum health in a battle Earn 14,400 or more XP in any number of battles |
REWARDSEnhanced Med Kit (1) Enhanced Repair Kit (1) Enhanced Fire Suppressor (1) Med Kit (1) Repair Kit (1) Fire Suppressor (1) x1.5 Silver Booster (1) x2 Vehicle XP Booster (2) 1,800 Silver |
RESTRICTIONSMust play light tanks or medium tanks World War II mode: Available to Tiers V - X Cold War mode: Available to all Eras Available to multiplayer only Available once per contract signing |
SpyGlass: Stage 6
GOALSDamage 30 vehicles in any number of battles Earn 26,400 or more XP in any number of battles |
REWARDSPremium Account Time – 3 Days 26,000 Silver |
RESTRICTIONSMust play light tanks, medium tanks, or artillery World War II mode: Available to Tiers V - X Cold War mode: Available to all Eras Available to multiplayer only Available once per contract signing |
SpyGlass: Stage 7
GOALSDetect 50 or more vehicles in any number of battles Assist with spotting damage totaling at least 7,000 in any number of battles Earn 50,400 or more XP in any number of battles |
REWARDS554,000 Silver |
RESTRICTIONSMust play light tanks, medium tanks, or artillery World War II mode: Available to Tiers VI - X Cold War mode: Available to all Eras Available to multiplayer only Available once per contract signing |
SpyGlass: Stage 8
GOALSEarn 96,000 or more XP in any number of battles |
RESTRICTIONSMust play light tanks, medium tanks, or artillery World War II mode: Available to Tiers VI - X Cold War mode: Available to all Eras Available to multiplayer only Available once per contract signing |
SpyGlass: Stage Buyout Amounts