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Earning Vehicle XP and Silver

With each battle you play in World of Tanks Modern Armor, you have a chance to gain rewards. Two of the most important rewards you can receive are Vehicle XP and Silver.

Vehicle XP

Essential for upgrading your tank via the Linear Vehicle Progression system and researching more powerful Tech Tree tanks


Allows you to purchase the Tech Tree tanks you’ve researched as well as Ammo, Consumables, Equipment, Camo, and more

You can also earn Free XP (which is used the same way as Vehicle XP, but can be applied to any tank, not just the one that earned it) and Commander XP (which helps you level up the Commander assigned to your tank and unlock Skill slots for customized benefits in battle). Those earnings are based on the amount of Vehicle XP you get.

(All of these rewards will be tallied up after each match on the Post-Battle Results Screen, or PBRS!)

The game has a system to determine which actions during and after a battle will award you with Vehicle XP and Silver and how much you’ll earn. Take a look at the details below to see how you can maximize what you get every time you roll out!

During the battle:


(and associated Ribbon, if applicable)

Vehicle XP Awarded

Silver Awarded

Damaging enemies

Per point of damage, modified by the target's tank tier compared to your own

Per point of damage

Inflicting critical (module/crew) damage

Flat bonus modified by the target's tank tier compared to your own


Destroying an enemy

Flat bonus modified by the target's tank tier compared to your own


Initial detection of a non-SPG tank

Flat bonus

Flat bonus

Initial detection of an SPG

Higher flat bonus

Higher flat bonus

Spotting assist

50% of the damage being dealt is divided by the number of team members spotting the target

(Player is limited to a maximum assist bonus percentage at a given time)

Per point of credited assist damage

Tracking assist

50% of the damage being dealt

(Player is limited to a maximum assist bonus percentage at a given time)

Per point of credited assist damage

Wheeled assist

75% of the damage dealt is modified by the number of wheels destroyed compared to the total number of wheels

(Player is limited to a maximum assist bonus percentage at a given time)

Per point of credited assist damage

Completed base capture

Flat bonus

Flat bonus

Scoring base capture points

Per capture point, up to a maximum of 100 points


Scoring base defense points

Per defense point


After the battle:


Vehicle XP Awarded

Silver Awarded


Flat base XP bonus
Flat survival bonus
x1.5 XP modifier

Higher Silver bonus modified by Tank Tier


No bonus

Standard Silver bonus modified by Tank Tier


No bonus

Standard Silver bonus modified by Tank Tier

Team performance factor

A percentage of the team's total inflicted damage for a destroyed tank is awarded as XP


Courageous Resistance

(Battle Hero, Epic achievements, or Group rewards Medal earned while on the losing team)

x1.5 XP modifier

Higher Silver bonus modified by Tank Tier

Combat Action Points

(Close Combat bonus)

Per point of Combat points, up to a maximum of 100 XP


15 vs. 15 match

Standard modifier

Standard modifier

7 vs. 7 match

Higher modifier

Standard modifier